Thursday, January 9, 2014

How Does Back wood White Trash become a front runner in a conspiracy to cover up who funded 911?

How does back wood white trash from Blountsville Alabama  become a front runner in a conspiracy to cover up who funded the 911 WTC attacks?

Melinda Dowdy (Martinez) was born in Alabama in 1972 and raised by her single parent father a farm hand on a milk farm.
According to Melinda Dowdy, her and her siblings were abandoned  by their mother at a very young age. It was also reported by Melinda that both her uncle and father began to rape them at a very early age as well.
Many wonder when and what made Melinda Dowdy become so cold and evil. Many Americans are abused, in fact many are horifficly abused but never become a Psychopath as Melinda has appeared to have become.
Melinda Dowdy is not very intelligent nor understands the depths of this conspiracy that she participates in concerning the 911 cover up.  

Melinda met Noe Martinez Escamilla my husband’s cousin at a Baker motel in 1995.
In 1995 Melinda was working as a under aged prostitute at Baker motel in Gadsden, Alabama, when she meet Noe Martinez Escamilla a “John” who later became her “husband” she was very desperate to meet a man to “save her” take her home and marry her, which Noe Martinez Escamilla did.  She describes their meeting as  a “ Pretty women” story and she states Noe is “her soul mate”.

People who know Melinda doesn’t describe her as a very Intelligent but actually as having very low Intelligence, a pathological liar, and very dangerously competitive with females.
It is my opinion that because Melinda had been isolated most of her life in a farm house (no neibors) with just her father and uncle raping them and making her and her other two siblings compete for “attention” made her see the world as a world of women competing for men to “take care of them” or give them their physical,emotional and basic needs. Melinda stated many times she felt that her  oldest sister Donna was the smart sister, The youngest was the pretty sister and she was the fat, ugly, stupid one.  I have come to realize this is why Melinda became a pathological liar and very vindictive. She feels all women are in competition.  The fact Baker Motel was a very low class motel and the other prostitutes were very “skanky” (rotten teeth, cankor sores on face etc..) as well as her sisters not being that pretty, Melinda was very unprepared to meet me in a very different class of women in a totally different environment.

The first time I meet Melinda Martinez was very brief. I had saw her a few times when we pulled up at the motel for “labours” to pile in the truck “for work”. I was in a coat and bundled up so she never “saw what I looked like” or really had met me.  Then In 1996 after Melinda and Donna try to sell an unwanted baby girl to the sex slave trade but  it went all wrong. The story of searching the Coosa river for a baby  ended up all over National News. Her and her husband ran to my house, we had rented in East Griffin, Ga.  I just left few days later. leaving her my funiture, food etc...  The reason can be summed up in two words “trash and trouble”. I wasn’t mean I just left. I rented an apartment and got all new stuff, all by my self  working.  She would call me and say things like “ I am  going to learn to drive” “I am going to enter my baby in a Beauty contest” “I going to be skinny one day” It was very clear she was letting me know she wanted to be like me. I always felt scared of her but at the same time sorry for her. I understand why now. I at the time was too Naive to realize she was a Psychopath that wanted to destroy me due to jealousy but my inside was trying to warn me.  On March 5, 1997 Melinda Dowdy High jacked by house. I ended up in ICU at Spalding Regional Hospital with a splenectomy.  Then on Dec 1 1997 I became a Flaccid tetrapaligic from being poisoned by Organophorsaphate that caused GBS all from these jealous bitches.  Even after all my adversity Melinda and her whores continue to follow me to every town and neiborhood I would go to. She appeared to  try to “Mimic” me. Even one of her fellow Prostitutes by the named of Christine Bailey harassed me and report wild crazy shit.  I began to intentionally change by “style” in clothes, hair etc... but they always followed me and “copycat”.  They always told wild lies and stories about me. Which brings me to this 911 cover up Melinda Dowdy participated in. Melinda Dowdy told her lies to CPS to “hurt” me to have me “loose” my children because she has always been “Jealous” even after the spleenectomy and me becoming a flaccid tetrapeligic  because Melinda is severely mentally ill and still saw me as “better” than her. Which I am but not because I was pretty, and not “trashy” or could support my self, drive a car etc... but because I always choose to do better when I learn to do better. If you feel “trashy” or ashamed of your actions than stop doing them or repent and try to fix the wrong you have caused. I didn’t want to associate with Melinda because of her life style plus Scabbies are a bitch. I did not even want anyone who went to their house near me because they could bring scabbies back and scabbies are unbearable. I CAN”T take that mess.  I feel Melinda Dowdy did not comprehend how much this 911 stuff was involved. All Melinda Dowdy knows is, it is said I wore Pakistani Clothing when Primitivo and the Martinez brothers met me. In fact that is what instigated Melinda Dowdy telling everyone I was from Pakistan, did not speak English as was black as an ace of spades.  I will admit Melinda is very low Intelligent,  a Psychopathic but she understands enough to know Trafficking guns and humans for Finacial gain is wrong and illegal. She also know to participate in a conspiracy to say I am “crazy” and violate my human and civil rights is wrong. I could give a rat’s ass rather she realized the 911 part or just lied to CPS Investigators just to “hurt” me . She is part of the conspiracy that cover’s up a Key witness aganist KSM.  It is all over the Internet Even Senators are talking about all this mess but Melinda Dowdy still refuses to come clean. I would. I would call Carroll County Sheriff and say hey I was just being a bitch because I was Jealous, I had no Idea about the 911 stuff. She is American, She was born in America and I met her white parents in Griffin Ga. BUT NOPE Instead She deletes her Facebook and goes into hidding like they ain’t gonna come to Mexico over this SHIT!  This is MAJOR SHIT Melinda!!!!
Go read more about this Backwood White Trash  covers up who funded 911 Conspiracy